Is an endeavour we should all work towards.
Is the bond that brings human cultures and races closer together.
Is a goal that we should all aspire to.
The more we see one another as one.
We cannot create wealth and value.
MobicellBlue OceanWireless Ltd is dedicated to connecting all the main and remote communities of the world to the world-wide communications revolution. It aims bring the latest technologies to the very people who need it most, in a create business model, that allows affordability on the edge.
MBOW is a MVNO that collaborates with existing GSM mobile operators to extend their networks to remote areas using Satellite connections.
Read MoreMobile Virtual network Operators model, offers the existing mobile operators to expand their coverage and range of services in a very cost effective way.
MBOW can set up remote communities with voice only, voice and data or full G4 capabilities.
Corporate clients, Emergency services, Large Hotels and other organisations, can utilise the system to add value or security to their existing set up.